Važne upute o funkcijama trenera

 IJF je odlučio regulirati funkcije trenera tijekom borbe. Sa početkom od IJF Grand Prixa u Amsterdamu (19-20, studenog) ove mjere će stupiti na snagu na sva natjecanja organizirana od strane IJF-a i daje uvid u popis Svjetske Rang ljestvice:

  1. Trenerima nije dozvoljeno davati indikacije natjecateljima dok se bore
  2. Samo tokom pauze (Mate), trenerima je dozvoljeno davati indikacije svojim natjecateljima.
  3. Nakon što je pauza završila, te se nastavila borba (hajime), treneri će opet morati šutjeti.
  4. Ako se trener ne drži ovih pravila, može biti isključen sa natjecateljskog prostora.
  5. Ako trener nastavi sa svojim ponašanjem i izvan natjecateljskog prostora, može biti kažnjen.


Jean Luc Rouge - IJF General Secretary


The IJF has decided to regulate the functions of the coaches during the fights. Starting from the Grand Prix Amsterdam (November, 19-20, 2011) this measure will apply to all the competitions organized by the IJF and giving access to the World Ranking list:
1 - Coaches are not allowed to give indications to the competitors while they are fighting.
2 - Only during the pause time (after Mate), coaches will be permitted to give indications to their athletes.
3 - After the pause is finished, and the fight continues (hajime), coaches will have to keep silence again.
4 - If a coach doesn´t follow these rules, he can be expelled from the competition area.

       5 - If the coach persists with his behavior from outside the competition area, he could be penalized.